Primetimers this Tuesday 18 Feb. 10:30 am, is canceled due to extreme cold weather


Lifehouse Community Church believes in a complementarian style leadership in the church. Basically all leadership roles such as pastors, elders, and any teaching roles where men are present are held by men. Women hold roles such as deaconesses, and positions teaching children and other women or leading other women.

Pastor Adam Kyle and wife Mary Kyle

Pastor Adam Kyle and his wife Mary came to Oskaloosa by the hand of God.  Adam was raised only 40 miles from Oskaloosa just outside of  Hartford, Iowa.  Adam is a veteran from the United States Army and a retired police officer from Omaha Nebraska.  Adam received a Bachelor of General Studies from the University of Nebraska in Omaha and a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies from Grace University in Omaha, Nebraska.

During Adam’s career as a police officer he had a drastic conversion in 2005 and became on fire for our Lord Jesus Christ.  Adam has been preaching since 2013 and was hired as a Pastor of Outreach in Missouri Valley Iowa in 2019.  In 2022 Adam and Mary moved to Colorado, and it was there while serving in two churches that God called Adam and Mary back to Iowa to Lifehouse Community Church.  Adam loves preaching and evangelizing and prays that all come to know our Savior Jesus Christ!

Elder Terry Acord and wife Cyndi Acord

Elder Jeff Smith and wife Rhonda Smith

Elder Verlan Van Wyk and wife Ronda Van Wyk